Get control of your life back and learn everything you need to know about how to deal with addiciton in your family.

dealing with addiction in the family
Module 1: How and why addiction happens

We do not subscribe to the notion that one has to hit rock bottom to quit using.

We aslo do not believe in turning your back or other “tough love” models for recovery.

What we have learned as a result of working with thousands of addicts and alcoholics as well as their families for more than a decade, is that there are very specific things you can do to motivate someone to change,

AND there are very specific things you must learn to detach from if you’re going to get the results you want.

In this module, you’ll learn exactly how this happend and why so that you can come from the most informed, loving, and effective place. 

Module 2: Learn the unique psychology of addicts and alcoholics

There are many myths and old ways of thinking about addiction that keep people stuck and sick.

In this module, you’ll learn what the best minds in the world have taught about addiction that creates the most effective environment for reccovery.

You’ll learn ecactly what recovery should look like (most get this totally wrong) and how to help hold your loved one accountable to change.


Module 3: Learn how to set and hold boundaries.

The truth is, addicts and alcoholics are always going to test limits, lie, and manipulate.

You need to learn the  most effective way to set and hold boundaries so that you can protect yourself and your family from future pain, disappointment and drama,

In this module, you’ll be given the exact boundary formula as well as the wording to help you effectively articulate your boundaries to others.

Most importantly, you’ll learn what your boundaries truly are.

Module 4: Learn how you and others have been impacted by addiction.

You can only solve a problem to your level of understanding. And this module will help you identify exactly how you have been impacted.

Many of us lose ourselves in the process of trying to fix and save others. This module will help you get your power back.

You’ll gain valuable insight into the specific behaviors you’ve been driven to and how they are hurting your ability to effect lasting change in your relationship.

Bonus hours of coaching content: Learn what to do to get your loved one help.

If you want to help your loved one, you’re going to need to know the exact steps to take. In these recordings of live coasching sessions, you’ll gain life saving onformation. 

You’ll learn what to do when your loved one shows signs of relapse. And what to do if relapse happens.

You’ll gain insider information about what works and what doesn’t.

This content alone changes lives. 

Bonus Hypnotherapy Recordings: Restore peace and sanity

So much damage has been done to your mind and emotions. You\ll have access to hrecorded hypnotherapy sessions to listen to nightly if needed.

Module 1: How to find your Boundaries

The number one reason boundaries fail is beacuse we don’t know where our bottom line lives. In this module, you’ll get crystal clear on what you’re no longer willing to settle for and define what you want instead.

Module 2: Learn the Secrets to Mastering Boundaries

There is a formula that works like a charm in setting boundaries. But you need to kow the correct language and structure of a boundary so you can be effective. Once you master this formula, you will be unfuc&withable. 


Module 3: Learn how to communicate your boundaries and deal with backlash

The truth is, operating from a new standard is going to make waves. and not everyone is going to be happy about it, especially the reciever. Learn how to stop being manipulated by guilt and gaslighting. 

Module 4: Live recorded demonstration with role play

Watch Heidi Rain as she implements everything she has taught by demsonstrating different scenarios.  This role paly is gold. 

*Access to the course begins immediately upon payment. All digital products are nonrefundable. You may share access to this course with additional family members as needed.