What Donald Trump Can Teach You About Dating

Are you a follower of dating rules?  You know, the ones dating coaches teach about how to “catch and keep a Man.”  When I was in my twenty somethings, looking at life through the eyes of a young and dumb girl who wanted nothing more than to get her then non-committal ass hole boyfriend to commit, I consulted these dating gurus. If I followed these general guidelines, I was promised my Happily Ever After.

Have you ever heard the phrase, begin with the end in mind? If I followed these stupid rules with my now Husband, I’d already be divorced.

Stupid Rule: Don’t tell him too much. Don’t open up too much. Don’t talk too much. Don’t revel too much. Be mysterious.

This rings from an era of women should shut up and look pretty.

Or as if you were a child…and you should be seen, not heard.

Or a manual for developing co dependence:  speak your mind, until it becomes unattractive to someone else.

But let’s say you decide to follow these rules anyway. And you actually get the guy. Now what?

Now you have set up a dynamic in your relationship where if you do start to get real, you hear, “You’ve changed.”

You haven’t changed. You’re just finally feeling like its ok to be yourself.

The rub is, that Man wasn’t attracted to an open book who freely speaks her mind. He was attracted to a woman who only shares what she thinks is attractive to him.

So now you are in a relationship where you feel stifled.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to go on speaking your mind?  And that way, you are sure to attract someone who already finds that irresistible?

Look at Donald Trump. Love him or hate him, he has something to teach you about dating.

He is essentially courting America. He is dating you.

Is he worried about speaking his mind or being himself?



Because Donald Trump wants to attract his tribe. He wants to find others who feel the way he feels and sees the world the way he sees it. He’s not interested in pleasing as many people as possible by dumbing himself down to increase his dating pool. He’s interested in finding the ONE who will feel compelled enough to vote for him.

And so are you.

Consider yourself lucky that you turn people off. You are one step closer to finding your tribe. The ONE who casts their vote for you.

Go one, speak your Truth. Even if it’s unattractive. Over share the Hell out of life.
Watch the video…

Love and Laughs,

How To Be More Feminine…Or Something Like That

  You really can’t turn YouTube corner without coming across some dating coach telling you how to be more Feminine. I should know. I used to be one of them- spouting off about masculine and feminine energy.

Do you know that feminine energy is one of the MOST misunderstood concepts in my industry?

I was reading some advice for fun while researching for this video. And I actually came across this ridiculous advice, essentially encouraging women to DUMB IT DOWN.

Be leery of anyone who tells you that you need to SHINE LESS.


You know what dim lights attract, right?


So, I decided to put this crappy advice to the test with my Husband.

Watch below….

Love and Laughs!

I Have Walls…

Have you heard this Woman? “I have walls. I don’t trust a lot of Men. The right man is going to have to work to get me to trust him! He is going to have to win me over. He will have to crack me open!”
I can’t tell you how many times I have had this conversation in some form or another.
Is it HIS job to break down your walls?
Watch this week’s video and leave me a comment.
Love you Sister!

How Do I Get Closure?

How to Get Closure, By Heidi McGuirk

“It just feels unfinished”, Cara lamented when she came in for her coaching session. “I don’t know why. I think I wasn’t able to say the things I wanted to say.  It ended so abruptly.” When I asked her how closure would look if she got it, meaning how she would feel,she couldn’t answer me.

I believe Cara was having a hard time explaining what Closure would feel like, because it wasn’t closure she was seeking.  The truth was, she missed her ex and just wanted contact.

If we examine the word closure…it means…CLOSED. Closure happens the minute it’s over. But we attempt to get closure by diving back in and opening things back up. It’s counterproductive.

I will also say that I don’t believe you miss your ex when you’re seeking closure. You miss something you perceive your ex gave you.

If you ask, “What am I missing that I believe I was getting?”, you have a better shot of meeting your needs.

After all, it’s a break up because it’s broken but sometimes distance clouds the truth and absence makes the heart grow dumber.

So, how do you get closure? Let it be closed.

Please leave a comment. Can you relate? And don’t forget to subscribe to receive free videos each week!
With so much love,

How To Stop Being Socially Awkward

Jenny came to the workshop because she was having problems socially. She said she felt awkward meeting men. As men would approach her, her heart would race and her mind would take over saying things like, “They’re gonna think you’re weird.”, “They think you’re ugly. You’re hair looks dumb”, and, “It doesn’t matter anyway.”

When her mind went to the last thought, that was usually when she decided to forget it, turnaround, and walk out.

So, I asked Jenny to come to the front of the class. She stood there, clutching her arms and scratching them. She bit her lip and rocked a little back and forth.

Then, I asked her to pick out five people in the room whom she didn’t know.

At this point, she started to sweat a little bit. But she continued on because by this point in the weekend, she trusted me.

After Jenny chose the people and they joined us at the front of the class, I turned to Jenny. “Pick the one you know the least  and get to know him.”

Jenny looked at him and looked back at me…”ummm. Like what about him?”

Anything!” I answered.

“What’s your name?”


“Where are you from?” She asked sheepishly


“This is dumb”, she frowned.

“Keep going” I encouraged.

“So, ummmm,yea…….Rob…… tell me what brought you here for this workshop?”.

“I have been unhappy in my love life for a very long time.I always felt like something was missing. I had a bad breakup recently and I thought she was the one. I am having trouble moving on.  And finally, one day, I was just over being alone and I decided that was it! I was going to figure out why I’m alone once and for all. I deserve to be happy! And I want to spend my life with someone”

We all eagerly looked to Jenny and she said………………………….

“Is it really as cold in Chicago as they say?”

I interrupted the exchange and turned to Jenny. “Listen to me. You want to be liked? What makes people like you isn’t really about you. People like you because of how you make them feel about themselves when they’re around you. You’re preoccupied with how YOU look to him. About what YOU will say when he is done speaking, about how YOU’RE standing, and how YOU’RE hair looks while YOU’RE talking to him.

And all you really want to do is connect.

You can’t connect with him when you’re too busy connecting with yourself. He told you his life story. He got vulnerable and open, he shared his desires, and you replied, “Is it really as cold as they say up in Chicago.”

You have to get out of your head and get into other people’s hearts if you want to connect. It isn’t about YOU.

I have to remind myself sometimes. Because I too suffer from feeing awkward. I have to remember that it isn’t about me. Connecting is about getting outside of yourself.

How about you? Do you ever feel socially awkward? What do you do?

With so much love and a little splash of awkward,


Do You Attract Emotionally Unavailable Men?

In my Coaching Practice, I hear this very common complaint: “My Man is emotionally unavailable”.

As an Empowered Princess, (a woman who takes control of her happy ending) I am a woman who asks 2 questions: “Why is this happening?” and “What is my responsibility in this?”

It’s so much better than waiting around for someone else to change before things get better.

So, when I was looking for patterns of behavior, I noticed that all of the women who were having a challenge in this area, were women who possessed the very same challenge themselves.

These were THINKING women versus FEELING women.

In Fact, when I asked them how they felt, they said…”Well, I think I feel…”

If you are having a challenge identifying what you are feeling, doesn’t it make sense that you would choose a man who doesn’t peg you into your feelings?

What are your thoughts? Do you agree?

With so much Love!